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The roof is on fire by Xabiso Vili


Full Name: Xabiso Vili
Country Represented: South Africa

Why did you enter this storytelling contest?

I had been inspired even last year to enter after a friend brought it to my attention, after making it to the top 30 – I experienced some personal problems – those of us who have lived through this pandemic will be all too familiar with – I was unable to upload my final story, so I promised myself that I would come back to tell my stories to its fullest capacity

What does storytelling mean to you?

Storytelling is a way for me to relate my internal world to the external world – it is my means of expression and communication. I understand the world around me through stories.

Why did you tell this story?

It’s part of a series I want to do revolving around fire and surviving death – this was one of the lighter fire stories I have and I think it sets up a great precedent for the coming stories.

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If this story touched you, don’t forget to leave kind words of encouragement in the comment section below.


65 thoughts on “The roof is on fire by Xabiso Vili”

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed that story…

    It is the easy-going manner you tell it, or maybe the humour that you tell it with, or maybe it’s because I burned down my father’s car when I was 13 years old.

    Either way, I really can’t wait to hear the rest of the series.

    1. It’s definitely because you burnt your father’s car when you were 13!!! Fire follows all of us everywhere! I am always surprised by the amount of people who have a story about the flames

  2. You say that this was one of the lighter stories about fire and surviving death. I don’t know, but that ‘lighter’ word doesn’t seem like a great match to me. I too thoroughly enjoyed it, and maybe because at 13 I was learning how to make smoke bombs at home. Game recognise game.

    1. Here we are – making lighters match and burning smoke bombs and smoking our fathers’ cars – this story is bringing out a few more arsonists than I meant to

  3. The ending mara🤣🤣🤣 dikeledi🤣🤣🤣 I totally loved it. My room once burnt eish the feeling, atleast you managed to get some things out 😱🙈

  4. You’re at it again! Romancing my ears with the speak from your tongue. You do it with such down to earth ease and perfect imagery… how can anyone resist.

  5. I’ve always been a fan of yours , but this story telling business, is on another level,…. I’m amazed at the boundaries you’re able to push through.

  6. I love the tone and theme of this story. It’s witty and thrilling at the same time. 👌🏽

    Looking forward to seeing what more you have in store! ☺️

  7. I used to think I messed up worse when I was growing up, to put the house on fire?
    What a great narrator, loved your story telling. Hope you win

  8. ❤️

    Wow, I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this narration. Playing with matches,fire burning houses, the inability to tell the parents the truth about our messing up.💯🙌

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