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Christmas was never the same by Nolubabalo Rani


Full Name: Nolubabalo Rani
Country Represented: South Africa

Why did you enter this storytelling contest?

I tell stories to empower, heal, and connect with myself and the person listening. I believe that we are blessed with stories and should share them to make others feel better about themselves.

What does storytelling mean to you?

My motto is stories are blessings to us, we need to tell stories to bless others.

Why did you tell this story?

It is a story that reminds me of forgiveness. And also we make choices in life whether good or bad and it’s your choice to live with bitterness or release yourself by forgiving the other person. I chose to forgive and understand my mother’s choices.

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7 thoughts on “Christmas was never the same by Nolubabalo Rani”

  1. I have so many questions that my head is buzzing. When you finished, I was shouting at my screen saying “Don’t you see what’s happening? You insolent child!!”

    I need to hear the rest of this, where do I find the rest of this story?

    1. Hello
      Thank you for your lovely comment. This is one of my signature stories. Maybe one day you’ll hear me telling it on one of my shows. Sometimes i call it “It’s not about the dress”.

    1. This is so powerful Mhlobam. You are one of the best in the Continent. Keep up the good work.

      This evoke so many memories

  2. Well done mntase. You are an exceptional storyteller, the poise and innocence you embody when telling this story captivates me.

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