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Be the change you wish to see by Banonie Mwale


Full Name: Banonie Mwale
Country Represented: Malawi

Banonie Mwale shares a story of how his hard upbringing shaped him to be a community leader in his village in Ngala, Malawi; believing that he would be the change that he wished to see in his immediate environment

Why did you enter this storytelling contest?

Because I love Africa and I could love to share African stories with the world.

What does storytelling mean to you?

It means a lot and it means preserving my identity

Why did you tell this story?

It is the best story which speaks about how many young children I Africa grows up and fight for the future.

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43 thoughts on “Be the change you wish to see by Banonie Mwale”

  1. Focus and determination, no one is born poor it is fulfilling to see many lives changing because of one determined individual

  2. Allan Reyes Arvesu

    He is a very kind people I’ve ever met, always smiling & with a positive approach in life!!! GOD BLESS!!! FOR THE WIN!!!

  3. I personally met Banonie Mwale back in Dubai, and get a chance to work with him, he is amazing person with such great personality, I remembered when he told me about his plan to give free education for children in their village in Malawe, I was suprised because despite of his struggles in life, his priority was to help his people to get better education, that’s why I really admire him on his passion and patience to pursue his dream, I hope every people have the same way of thinking like Banonie do. I hope and pray for good health and more success so he can help more people.

  4. I know him. He is exemplary in everything. Even though you will not win. You’re story touched someone’s heart to do the same.
    Yet I don’t limit the great possibility of winning.
    God bless you and your family.
    Prayed. Everything is in His hands.

  5. The story is just amazing. Such people deserve more support to help the community. Am intrigued and happy to have come across this wonderful piece of information.

  6. Empathetic. …
    Trustworthy. …
    Self-starter. …
    Dedicated. …
    Organised. …
    Respectful. …
    team play
    these words can describe him as the person I work with

  7. I have read his book and watched this video. What an inspiration he is to everyone who knows his story! If only more people would put forth the effort to make this world a better place, what a wonderful world this would be!

  8. Banonie is one of the most influencial, person I know, working with him from the last 9 years, I learnt so much from him, his strength, positive outlook, result driven, people’s person skills that he poses. He surely leaves a mark on everything he puts his hands on

  9. Beutiful story my brother, keep up the good work you’re doing in our community..we very proud of you 🥰

  10. James opangala opash

    Continue making a positive touch in people’s lIves it will take you a long way and that’s how blessings come.cheers to more wins my friend.

  11. Your story is so inspiring. We are thankful to Hadithi ya Africa for bringing such individual stars on lime light. Wishing you all the best of lucky!

  12. Whoop whoop! Banonie Mwale, a true superhero!! He accomplishes with style what he sets his mind to do. Keep on “getting it” Banonie!!

  13. As a colleague, your story is very inspiring. I am so glad to have met you and learn about your story. I wish you all the best. May you continue to be a channel of positivity not only to us but for the other people who will get to know your story. Kudos to you. God Bless all your endeavors and efforts to help others.

  14. May this help touch lives of people ,help us to be kind, help us to lift each other up, that is what life is all about. I cannot thank you enough Banonie……good good job

  15. This is awesome, interesting and inspiring indeed. But am not surprised because passionate, intelligent and inspiring is how I describe Banonie Mwale.

  16. Big up Banonie 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
    You have already won as you success story has inspired and taken care of many.
    God bless your big heart.
    💯 proud of you daily

  17. Very touching, uplifting and inspiring story to all young African who sees no hope in their future. Banone tells as it should be.

  18. Its hidden treasure to learn and understand life. most encouraging is few people come to open space and share their backgrounds never know you will encourage one soul to push more and make it in life as well.. you are the bravest #BANONI

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