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Being Royatly by James Qeqe


Full Name: James Yamkela Qeqe
Country Represented: South Africa

Why did you enter this storytelling contest?

I like telling stories, I always wanted to get an opportunity to tell stories.

What does storytelling mean to you?

My story means a lot to me, it means I come from somewhere and I am going somewhere.

Why did you tell this story?

I think every story needs to be heard, and this particular story is a reminder of how I became an African author and playwriter.

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15 thoughts on “Being Royatly by James Qeqe”

  1. Ntinga ntakandini uxelise intambanani esbhakabhakeni, ndithi ndikothulela umnqwazi ngenxa yesakhono osinikwe nguMdali .

  2. You are an African story teller 🙌🏼.

    Thee confidence poring unlimited in your tone and pure bond with you story; completes the whole story and channel it straight to our ears.

    Continue to read, write and tell more stories; Africa is ready to be educated by your findings.

    God bless your journey 🙏🏻

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