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Sibongile Ndimandi – The journey of acceptance

You can never choose your fate but you have all the power to choose how you respond to it. SIBONGILE lost the two most important people that she drew her strength from in a month. Unbearable pain crept inside of her heart and left her crashed 

The moment you give birth. You no longer think only for yourself but also the little being that needs you for survival. Sibongile had all the thoughts to end her life after she was diagnosed with clinical depression, bipolar and anxiety. 

“Everything was just too much to handle. My mind was always at war with thoughts of suicide. My anxiety roared louder about the being that I had brought to life. I am victories of still trying to fight.”

-Sibongile Ndimandi 

Always try to reach out to friends and family suffering from depression, anxiety, and bipolar. Support is the only tool that can push them to one with society and to feel whole again.

Below is Sbongile Ndimandi‘s story of how she suffered the journey of accepting her fate

Do you think that you have a story worth sharing? The 2021 Africa‘s Ultimate Storyteller Contest is now open for application. Would you like to share your story?


2 thoughts on “Sibongile Ndimandi – The journey of acceptance”

  1. I absolutely love love love this platform!!! It’s so powerful, so therapeutic…gives us the opportunity to get into the ring and not just be spectators of life.

    Strength, courage and light to you S’bongile. My wish for you is a season of softness baby girl 😊 joy unspeakable, love uncontainable ,unfathomable, I wish you get love in bucket loads so that you’re dripping and drenched.

    I am so honoured to hear your story. You’re courageous queen 👑 forge forward 🌸

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