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Because it’s the story of my life. It reflects the pain that I have been through and how I managed to overcome the many obstacles along the way. Please note that I’ve told the story in French but I have added English subtitles.

Story of my life by Stéphany Noëllis

The story is about an event that occurred, orchestrated by my mother. I felt that it would be a great story to share about the communal nature of raising a child. This was quite typical exercise in Africa: whether in urban or rural setting. It is a story I actually share a lot with people to illustrate a number of points but mainly that whipping kids may be less effective in teaching children life lessons. My late mother, I like to say, was the Queen of Creative Punishments. The story also is a homage to my mother, who not only was a great story maker but also supported my literary and performance arts endeavors.

The lesson by Hannah Tarindwa

This story is part 1 of a series I want to tell revolving around fire and surviving death – this was one of the lighter fire stories I have and I think it sets up a great precedent for the coming stories.

The roof is on fire by Xabiso Vili