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2021 Contestants

Below is a list of all qualifying submissions received from all participating countries.

Because it’s the story of my life. It reflects the pain that I have been through and how I managed to overcome the many obstacles along the way. Please note that I’ve told the story in French but I have added English subtitles.

Story of my life by Stéphany Noëllis

This story resonates with me at a personal level. I went through a difficult personal experience that left me bereft, angry, and thinking less of myself than I should. I gave another human being the power to hold me emotionally captive to the extent that it started to manifest negatively in different aspects of my life.

Be woman by Emma Kinani

about Name: Kendy MangraCountry Representing: Mauritius Storytelling to me is like the Bible, stories are shared to give faith If I can inspire another, then I would have played my part. I have faced so many difficulties in life, which encourages me to empower others.

You may say that I’m a dreamer by Kendy Mangra